Friday, November 27, 2009

Who Will Be The Sole Survivor???

Brooks was finally able to have his 14th birthday party, and what a fun party it was! His cake was chocolate fudge with crumbled cookies, sour coke flavored strings for weeds and green (edible) gummy army men....

The first challenge was seeing which team could get more marbles out of freezing cold water with their feet (each person had 2 minutes). It was amazing how these guys could use their feet like hands! Notice that Frank is watching from under the table and must now have no doubt that he really does live with crazy people.

Next the fellas are attempting to whistle with two moon pies in their mouths. Kendall is on stand by with a trash can - I was determined to not clean up puke for any reason...
Another challenge was creating a slingshot out of wooden chopsticks, rubber bands and their own smarts and trying to shoot down as many paper cups as possible with a ping pong ball. They really had some great ideas for slingshot design and paper cup formations.
The other challenges had to do with strange foods: wasabi flavored potato chips, chicken stomachs, sardines packed with black beans, and smashed chinese hot dogs in a dog food can. No pictures were taken of these activities in order to protect the guilty.
Pizza and fun were had by all, and Jesse was the sole survivor and winner of a floral toilet seat cover (no one guaranteed that the prize was prestigious or anything.....).

1 comment:

  1. COOL Party! I hope I can keep coming up with cool ideas to make Nathan's birthday parties fun!
