Due to the fact that there are many folks that are uncomfortable using Facebook on a regular basis, I am going to try to keep a blog going for this last full year that we know we will be living in Asia. It is considerably more difficult to post pictures here, but I am going to give it a good college try. My goal is to post a paragraph about something that we have done at least once a week, with at least one picture, so that you can keep up with how we are doing and what our life is like on the other side of the planet. You can also keep track of how many days it will be until we leave for the US with our countdown clock in the right margin - this will mark the end of 4 entire years overseas! If you would like to be notified of when I add an entry to the blog, please click on "follow" in the margin. Feel free to make comments at the end of my blog entries as well.
The picture above shows how many hours of my day are usually spent - reading, reading, reading! The children are still being homeschooled like they have always been - Brooks is in the 8th grade, Kendall is in the 6th, Whitney is in the 3rd, and Sidney is in the 2nd. We are using Sonlight curriculum again, but are doing 3 core programs at one time this year (anyone who has used this curriculum before will know what a challenging goal this is!). We are studying world history and the eastern hemisphere. Sidney is progressing well with her dyslexia material and learning to read better than I expected. Right now we are also in the midst of the children's birthday season - Hopefully the next few posts will have pictures of the parties!
Thanks for reading our blog and keeping our family in your thoughts :)
Enjoyed viewing your blog! How exciting that it's only 4 mos. Wow...the kids ask about yours all the time (partly because they love looking at our family photo albums and then see pictures of all our homeschooling "get togethers"). They'll be thrilled!! Miss you all - The Luthers